What else can you say? A fitting end to an unbelievable series, with Damon Jones coming on, playing the last few seconds, and hitting the game-winner in OT to push to Cavs to a 114-113 victory.
Lots and lots and lots of things to like about this one. Another great game by LeBron. An unbelievable shot by Gilbert Arenas (followed by a couple of huge missed FT), Damon Jones not playing all game until hitting the game-winner, and so on and so forth. Let's go over it in seemingly random points:
- LeBron showed his versatility tonight, scoring 32 despite not really having an outside shot. Lots and lots and lots of layups for him. After watching Game 6, I'm convinced of a few things regarding LeBron: 1) He's the fastest player end-to-end in the NBA. 2) He is the best finisher in the NBA. 3) He is the best player in the NBA. At age 21.
- Watching the game, I thought Larry Hughes was aboslutely awful. 3/17 shooting, 9 points, 4 turnovers... and now I see he had 12 assists (including the final one). Still, playing 50 minutes, going 3/17 with 9 points? Ouch.
- I must give Caron Butler a hand here. 18 points, 20 rebounds!, and 5 assists, and he was working hard all night. I was really, really impressed with him throughout the series.
- I really just can't say enough about Damon Jones. His line in the boxscore: 0 minutes, 1/1 FG, 2 points. Sitting through the game on the bench, and then through overtime, and then entering and hitting a shot right away? That's difficult, believe me.
- Gilbert Arenas' 3-pointer at the end of regulation was really one of those times where you do a double-take because you're not sure if you actually just saw what you think you did. That shot was about 5 feet behind the 3-point line. Nothing but net. I just sort of blinked because I didn't think we could all be this lucky. After how exciting the NCAA Tournament was this year, I actually kinda figured the NBA Playoffs would be a bit of a letdown this year. That couldn't have been farther from the truth. They've been unvbelievable.
- 2nd and 3rd best players for the Cavs in Game 6? Donyell Marshall and Flip Murray.
- What does Drew Gooden have to be thinking right about now? After Game 1, his stock couldn't have been higher. In Game 6, he played 13 minutes in an OT game, scored 2 points, grabbed 3 rebounds, and was the 3rd best PF on his own team.
- Watching Eric Snow and Jared Jeffries play offense is some type of cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, I watched Jared Jeffries lead Indiana to a National Title game. Now, he can't make an outside shot to save his life. What the heck happened?
- Anyone know what LeBron said to Gilbert Arenas when Arenas was at the FT line?
- Congrats to YAYsports and all other Cavs fans after this. Good luck with Detroit, because the Cavs are going to need.
Phoenix/LA Game 7 Saturday night. Be there or be square (or be both, if you want).
By. Far. The. Gayest. Picture. Ever.
fantastic game, though.
"Just want you to know, if you miss these shots you're going home for the summer."
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