Let's start with the in-game coverage. For starters, let me say that I do like Mike Breen and Hubie Brown. Sure, Hubie's old, he speaks in 2nd person, and there has never been a foul or timeout he disagrees with. However, he's knowledgeable, and he'll tell you what's going. Breen is solid all-around.
But the trio of Marv Albert, Steve Kerr, and Doug Collins was superb in the Western Conference Finals, I though. Marv is great at carrying the game, and he's funny. Steve Kerr is the best color man in the business. He well-spoken, funny, and has great insight. Doug Collins, while he was never really a good coach, is a solid 3rd man in the booth. I can live with Breen & Hubie, but I'll take TNT's trio everyday.
The postgame/halftime crews, well, there's absolutely no comparison. ABC usually has some combo of Dan Patrick, Mark Jackson, and Scottie Pippen, who are stiff and usually provide little substance. TNT's three-man crew of EJ, Kenny, and Charles is the best in the business. The NewRepublic Online calls it the best Sports Show on TV, and this is very true. The three have great chemsitry, they're not afraid to go out on the edge or criticize anybody, their smart, and they're really quite humorous. Sir Charles is laugh out loud funny, while Kenny and EJ are more subtle, which I can appreciate. Sometimes they bring in Magic Johnson, and while he doesn't really bring much, he's not awful. And in between all the basketball, they'll do things like have Charles Barkley try to hold his breath underwater.
Other than this small factor, we should be in for a great NBA Finals. Two different styles of play, lots of superstars, lots of good coaching. I just wish it'd be on another network.
I wholeheartedly agree. But Steve Kerr? Come on--I think a little Thunder Dan would be a better fit...
LOL. Thunder Dan provided a good example of why former NBA players shouldn't always be sportscasters. :)
I agree, but I like ABC a lot more than ESPN. Mike Breen, in my eyes, has passed Marv Albert as the best voice of pro basketball. He's really enjoyable and Marv is not quite as good as he used to be. Kerr and Collins are spectacular, but didn't really seem to have great chemistry working with each other. They're both much better on their own. And frankly, Hubie Brown is still the best in the game.
Inside the NBA is worlds better than the ABC pre-game. However, ABC is getting better. Hiring Michael Wilbon was a very good step and I enjoy his commentary. Mark Jackson can be annoying, but he's gotten a lot better as of late.
So yeah, I'm really going to miss TNT a lot. But ABC's coverage is pretty good. It sure as hell beats ESPN by a mile/
Oh yeah, ABC is better than ESPN. ESPN is actually quite awful, other than Mike Tirico and Snapper Jones. The pre-game crew is just terrible - I don't mind Legler, but lighten up! Stephen A. is of course really, really bad. John Saunders is ok but I'm not overly fond of him. Greg Anthony is decent, but that's the best they have, and that's no good.
And you're right, I do like Wilbon there.
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